The Little Things

For the past few days, something has been different down here in Puerto Maldonado, Peru. In Maldonado it’s usually hot. Now when I say hot, I don’t mean 25 degrees Celsius (Canadians) I mean 35 degrees C with 85% humidity, making it so hot that you feel sticky and sluggish, like if you do anything you may melt into a pile of nothing. Hot.

No, for the past few days it has been cold.

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I’m constantly learning and striving to find beauty in the little things; sometimes I’m not very good at it because it’s much easier to wallow in self-pity but these past couple of days I have found beauty in the weather.

It’s cold, yes and it’s beautiful. It’s that perfect kind of fall weather that just makes me feel so happy, the weather where your toes and the tip of your nose are always cold and the kind of weather where you can wear big hoodies and sweat pants; the comfiest clothes ever.

Sometimes it’s hard to find beauty in the everyday little things but I encourage you to try and find something beautiful in your life today. If it’s a tiny thing, a huge thing or an everyday thing that usually goes unnoticed, find something beautiful because finding beauty makes life a whole lot better.


This post is part of a 31 day series. If you’d like to see the rest of the series, click the photo above.

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